The Salisbury Museum Gets Ready to host ‘Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons’ Exhibition

  • Marking the 80th anniversary of Rex Whistler’s death in 1944, the exhibition runs May 27th to September 29th. 
  • Dr Nikki Frater’s book ‘Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons’ will accompany the exhibition

On 15th May 2024 – In a celebration of creativity and history, The Salisbury Museum announced the eagerly awaited exhibition, Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons set to captivate art enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

The exhibition will run from May 27th to September 29th and promises to be a voyage through time, shedding light on the relationships between an artist and his patrons during the vibrant interwar period. Central to the exhibition is Whistler’s ‘lost’ masterpiece, the incredible ‘Ulysses’ Farewell to Penelope’, gifted from Whistler to Conservative MP Sir Malcolm Bullock (1889 – 1966), giving visitors the chance to once again marvel at this astonishing picture which was for decades referred to as ‘whereabouts unknown’. Also displayed is the extraordinary original design for ‘The Triumph of Neptune’ carpet commissioned by poet and art collector Edward James in 1935.  

Rex Whistler (1905-1944) was one of the most imaginative and prolific artists operating during the interwar period in England, with a diverse portfolio of work spanning portraiture, murals, book illustrations and set design. Through thirteen captivating case studies across nearly 100 pieces, visitors will discover the key relationships pivotal to Whistler’s career, including art collector and poet Edward James, Cecil Beaton, Duff and Diana Cooper, avid diarist and socialite Sir Henry ‘Chips’ Channon, Lord and Lady Louis Mountbatten, author and poet Lady Dorothy Wellesley, and Sir Philip Sassoon MP.

Salisbury was a highly influential place for Whistler, ultimately serving to shape his success as an artist. Exhibition curator Dr Nikki Frater comments, “Rex Whistler’s story is intricately woven into the fabric of Salisbury’s rich tapestry, making The Salisbury Museum the perfect stage for this extraordinary showcase.”

Museum Director Adrian Green comments: ‘The exhibition is based on the Rex Whistler Archive which we acquired in 2013. The archive was assembled by Laurence Whistler after his brother’s death and is an incredibly rich resource for anybody interested in Whistler’s life and career, and indeed early 20th century art. Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons is testimony to the value that the archive has, underpinning Nikki Frater’s extensive research and helping us understand the fascinating web of relationships that inspired Whistler’s work.’

Dr Nikki Frater has spent over 20 years researching the life and work of Rex Whistler. Drawing on vast and varied sources, Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons brings together her extensive knowledge and research, culminating in an intriguing and captivating must-see exhibition. Furthermore, in conjunction with the exhibition, Dr Nikki Frater has authored an accompanying book, also titled; Rex Whistler: The Artist and His Patrons. Published by Paul Holberton, the book will be available to purchase from The Salisbury Museum shop.

The Salisbury Museum has announced a programme of accompanying events celebrating the Whistler exhibition:

  • A talk from curator Dr Nikki Frater on 16 May discussing her research and work on the exhibition.
  • From 11 – 14 June a performance of the play Darling Edith explores Whistler’s friendship with writer Edith Olivier.
  • And finally, in September, diners will be invited to savour cuisine from a 1920s inspired menu, whilst enjoying snippets of satire from performers enacting the roles of Rex, his friends and patrons in an exclusive immersive dining event.

Plan your visit here.  And remember to follow us on our social channels for updates and behind-the-scenes insights Facebook Instagram X 

Rex Whistler’s Ulysses’ Farewell