
Alan sends a scan of two related documents from our archives, simple and familiar in many ways, but, in fact, full of historical information. If you want to test your skills of observation, look away from the blog text here for a moment and concentrate on the documents – what is the date of the initial transaction? where, exactly were the documents issued? who was buying? what was purchased and what did it cost? what do we note about the differing dates? what can we surmise from Tel: 211 ? how much ‘modern’ money would you need to pay for this service then?

It is nearly one hundred years old.

Have fun and complete the account below, with as much detail as possible (and yes, it is a good History lesson activity for Year 7 pupils):

One day, in February 1921 a Miss Holmes (or friend, relative or servant) went into Boots and…

Thank you, as always, Alan!