

After Linda Robson’s piece last week, Alan writes:

“Why isn’t the Bernieres station sign in Toronto’? Well, Chris Tarrant was just talking on BBC ‘South Today’ TV News, a week or so ago, about his father, who took part in the D-Day landings. He mentioned the station sign at Bernieres, which was stolen by (British?) troops, who wrote their names on it and it is “now in a Museum in Salisbury”. That Museum is The Rifles Berkshire and Wiltshire Museum in The Close.

Chris Tarrant: My hero dad never talked about D-Day bbc.in/4bzx62f #bbcsouthnews”

So, did the soldiers take the sign as trophy, or were they given it by the Mayor of the town of Bernieres Sur Mer?

And was it the Canadians or the British who brought it to Salisbury?

Thank you Alan!