

Alan writes:

“Attached are photographs, including a close-up attempting to show the soldiers’ inscribed names, of the station sign from Bernieres, and also a model showing what the Royal Berkshires were doing on the beach at Bernieres, all in The Rifles Museum in The Close.”

In a recent blog, Linda Robson drew our attention to the Bernieres sign, familiar to so many of us from its earlier ‘home’ in the Bernieres restaurant (now The Rifleman’s Table, in the Close). It is indeed, as Linda told us, and as Alan shows us, now inside the Rifles Museum next door. Alan confirms that, according to the BBC, it was Chris Tarrant’s father who appropriated it (misappropriated?) from the railway station.

Thank you to Linda, for highlighting this story, and Alan for answering some of our questions!