
A new exhibition means a new quiz from Mary. These quizzes are always based on the exhibition itself and can be used as a guide to take you around when you visit, or a test when you get home!


  1. Where did Rex train as an artist?
  2. Rex rented a house in Salisbury, for his parents. Which one?
  3. Rex produced a large painting for Sir Malcolm Bullock MP. Complete its title : ‘Ulysses’ Farewell to …’
  4. In which National Trust property can you see the trompe l’oeil ‘smoking urn’?
  5. Rex painted a mural for this lady’s boudoir at Brook House in 1937. Who was she?
  6. Which was Rex’s Regiment in World War 2?
  7. Rex’s fellow officers asked him to decorate the Officers’ Mess in Codford (Wilts) in the style of which other painter?
  8. In the painting ‘Surrealist Landscape’, what is in the top right, about to hit the moon?
  9. What were the full names of these friends and patrons of Rex Whistler? Edith….; Cecil….; Diana ….; Maud ….
  10. How old was Rex when killed in a tank battle, part of the D Day invasion?

Thank you Mary!